We Love Our Vendors

Volunteer Images to boost Amazing Fundraising efforts!

These images are available for any volunteer account to use freely in your volunteer work in any fashion necessary. They have been created to boost the symbiotic Community Support. 

We Love our Community and want all the best! Make sure to check out our other resource pages on our main resource page

Thank you for being Awesome Supportive Caring In all you do!

You are a vital member of our community

Without your memberships, vendor stores, shares, reviews, and donations are 100% our life blood, we would not be here. We are a publicly funded and our mission and goals are community focused.

We Are Striving to Build a Welcoming Community

We will be adding more images and links to this area as our community grows and changes. We hope that you will be an active part of this growth!

Join Our Community Now!

We love to have new members and you can apply to be a vendor right away!

Volunteer Resource Links

We will update links as they are submitted. Please check back often to see new links. Date Added for convenience. 


We are currently relocating our past reports to this server and so some report years are missing on our list- check back further in the year for updated links. Thank you. 

Click the image or box direct link to be redirected

Our Documentation Area

We are a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit and are registered with the Secretary of State and attorney General of Illinois. Please see our formal documentation area for more information and to print any necessary documents for fundraising. 

Thank you

Jetty’s Brain Book- Our Sister Site


We have a great page for resources on our sister site: Jetty’s Brain Book. This site is about 1/8th of the way through its reconstruction, but with all the issues we are having with our servers, we are struggling to accomplish our goals construction goals quickly. Click the brain below to be taken to our links page.

Brain scan

It is VERY important to us that volunteering be encouraged everywhere. Every nonprofit is doing their part to make the world a better place. Here are a few of our favorites. (Images=clickable links)

ECIOG was started due to the brilliant work of the Cameron Siemers Foundation For Hope. Cameron believed in our goals and supported the fundraiser event where we drew our name in order for us to raise our nonprofit fees. They also hold an awesome fundraiser event every year in California.


SAMFund Expecting Miracles Foundation holds a very special place with our nonprofit as our president is a 3 time grant winner. SAMFund represents all aspects of life after treatment, they understand that cancer isn’t free and are there to help make it easier.

Feed pig


Volunteers Always Needed 

We can use volunteers of all kinds: artists, programmers, tax professionals, marketing managers, social media specialists, you name it: we can probably use that skill to make our community more diverse and magical!

A rising tide lifts all boats- Volunteermatch.org

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