Best Friends Puzzle Game!
Every gacha comes with a random puzzle piece. Collect all 12 pieces for a VERY special FREE gift!
We have 6 different puzzle options and grayscale options too!
Full Puzzle: Win a FREE Year of Unicorn’s Art Club Membership ($240 value)
(Multiple Wins: ECIOG Digital Gift Card(s))
Entered to win the GRAND prize at our Launch anniversary party in 2024. No limit on entry!
*odds of winning is random with all 12 pieces printed and inserted into gacha of all sizes to make it more fun!*

がちゃ-gacha-pon are coin operated vending machines in Japan where between 100 and 500 yen mystery options are available at every train station, arcade, and randomly in back alleys. It is a fun pastime to buy as many gacha as possible when in Japan and I am up cycling all my gacha filled with handmade art and pieces.
Mystery Gacha Handmade and straight to your door!
Our Puzzle Game is a fun item to collect a chance to win multiple times a great way to help our charity with every pull!!
New Exclusive Collections
We will have exclusive collections that are only available in our gachas!

Get the Feeling of a Japanese Arcade!
Much like Japan we are charging between $1-$5 depending on the size of the gacha-pon ball. However, I want it to be a good deal so small gacha will be 2 for $1.00.
A Variety of Handmade Items
Pins, magnets, bows, clips, 3D models, potions, mini art, sculptures, toys, stickers, tattoos, jewelry, as much variety as we can create!!
Every Pull is a chance to win!
We include a scratch off game card with percentages off, free shipping, and BOGO specials! Get more from our site with every purchase!
-% off
-FREE gifts
-FREE Shipping
- Fun facts
and more could be yours!!
We hope this will make gachas even more fun!!