Gesture Drawing Paintings Collage- Three Minutes


A fully mod podged collage of years of gesture drawings layered and labeled with gesture painting – 3 Minutes – 18″X24″

1 in stock



Gesture Drawing Paintings Collage- Three Minutes


Created from all my gesture drawings from over 3 years of animation and life drawing courses along with my first ever gesture paintings. This three-painting set is completed on 18”x24” stretch canvas, pencil, charcoal, Acrylic paint, and Mod Podge. To make these more accessible, I have split this into 3 separate products. This is a three-minute timed painting but includes all times for the collage base.


3 Minute Gesture

Starting Bid: $60
Dimensions: 18”X24”

Additional information

Weight 36 oz
Dimensions 24 × 24 × 4 in


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