Small items/Flat art can be shipped in either reused boxes or via the chosen shipping method (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.). Padded envelopes can also be used for small items and art.
Some items, like stretch canvas or larger 3D art, may need custom boxes made and they can be made from reusing old boxes or getting new boxes from a local store that sells or gives out cardboard sheets/large boxes like for moving
If shipping via USPS Priority Mail, supplies can be ordered from their website from free including boxes and tape for all business needs. We fully recommend shipping via USPS Priority Mail, but any shipping method can be used.
Get Started by:
- Click Sign Up Free in the top right corner of the page.
- Enter your Name, Email Address, and a Password.
- Then, click Get Started.

Company Information, including your:
- Current store platform
- Primary preferred carrier
- and average monthly shipment volume

- your default label
- package
- carrier settings that Shippo will use when purchasing labels!
Don’t Stress too much- settings can be changed in the profile areas

Setting up a Shippo Account
Shippo is the primary way we ship for our nonprofit store and we have it synced directly through our vendor dashboard for Dokan.
The main Shippo site can be accessed by clicking this icon.
They even have a step by step online PDF
Order Management:
Accounting & Billing:
Jetty’s ADHD Summary:
Shippo is a discount shipping provider. It can be linked with stores and can provide discounted shipping rates for all providers.
It can be confusing to start but once an account is set up, it should sync to vendors dashboard through Dokan, which would allow shipping to be calculated at checkout.