We are a Grassroots Protest community where vendors Sell Art to Make a Difference

Hello! Welcome to the PRIDE 24/7 365 protest art shoppe for anyone who has been affected by cancer! I will be sharing all my fun pride and other related artwork here for sale. As the founder of this nonprofit and community, I donate 50% of my sales directly back into this organization from my shop and 100% from the official linked shop above which is done outside of the vendor 10% as to not force a high rate on other artists. It has been my goal since inception to provide a grassroots community for artists to come together and make and sell their work. It is finally happening and I could not be more excited to see it grow. It is a lot of work and while I do have some great volunteers working so hard with me now on this community a majority of the work is still on my shoulder so it will take longer to update my inventory for new items. It may take longer to receive customer service or to upgrade the options for stores. I would like to direct everyone to our financials page to see a direct breakdown of our funds, but the
TLDR is we are incredibly small and are just here to make a difference. We have always been and will always be transparent with the use of our donations and all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
We have a few areas of focus but are now primarily a sticker and small fun items, along with arts and crafts shop. This store is the exact definition of our mission. I am an extreme survivor of Glioblastoma Multiforme. I was told I would need to re learn to walk, talk, might have issues with my vision, hearing, cognitive functioning, etc- and when pressed my family was directly told that I would not be able to make art anymore. To be fair to my neurosurgeon, when one is talking about a baseball sized tumor in the right frontal lobe that controls all those areas, he wasn’t being unrealistic or a jerk. He was being practical since I was in my last semester of undergrad for fine art and he needed them to understand the severity of my situation. Needless to say, I have fought very hard to make the art that I create. It is not easy. My hands shake, my body hurts and my brain struggles every single day, BUT every piece is like a big F U to the medical environment that told me to write my will and give up. By purchasing my art you are also giving a big F-U to letting cancer win and I thank you so incredibly much for believing that this is an important goal to work toward.
We are a loving, beautiful, accepting community but we also understand that cancer is not always pretty. It can be graphic, it can be hard to look at it, but this community is here for all survivors, caregivers and friends to express their thoughts, feelings, and histories even if they aren’t always agreeable. We ask that graphic content get a trigger warning because everyone deserves to consent to look at the art they desire but unless it is specifically against our terms of service, we will not be deleting any artwork from the site without cause.
The views and opinions expressed by members of the site are those of the author and may not necessarily represent those of Ending Cancer in Our Generation. By joining the community you agree to respect others and refrain from causing issues on this site.
Everything is Canna Created on our official shops- We FULLY support Canna creations and the expression of this fantastic therapy method.